We offer bespoke courses tailored to your exact requirements and designed to meet the specific CPD requirements of your profession.
What are you looking for?
Community & Hospital Pharmacy
The formation of the Irish Institute of Pharmacy (IIOP) in 2013 represented a watershed in terms of continuing competence assurance of Pharmacists.
The IIOP now provides many courses and activities to help pharmacists meet their learning needs. IACME, established in 2009, had already been active in providing learning resources to HCPs, but since 2013 have designed, created and managed many of the courses provided by the IIOP.
The CPD Model for Irish Pharmacists
The model focusses on Self-directed Learning based on individual learning needs, however the IIOP offerings cannot cover all the requirements of individual pharmacists or Pharmacy Groups or chains.
IACME can fill in these gaps with bespoke courses using selected Pharmacy experts and/or your own experts.
Given the nature of Pharmacy working hours, online courses are ideal as they can be accessed at any time (by individuals or by learning groups) and don’t have to be completed in one “sitting”. Discussion forums can be linked to specific learning activities to facilitate on-going development of practice in the relevant area.
Why choose IACME as your CPD Consultants?
We provide easy to use tools to record your learning in your IIOP e-portfolio.
Organisation of training/learning can be problematic for Pharmacy groups – we can provide a dedicated online training area for your group where your own courses, records and discussions can be hosted.
Let us guide your CPD journey today
Get started by telling us your requirements
Doctors and Other HealthCare Professionals
Irish Doctors competence scheme is based on CPD credits (categorised according to: external, internal, personal learning, research or teaching) together with an audit/improvement project.
IACME have created activities and resources to meet each of these requirements.
We were the first independent Irish company to achieve EACCME (European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education) pan-European approval for an online course for doctors and also successfully gained accreditation under the RCGP EPASS accreditation scheme at a time when no similar scheme was available in Ireland.
Courses we have created for Doctors have ranged from a formal 2-hour online course on “Clinical Note-taking” to a short based on the NICE guideline on Hypertension to an Inter-professional online discussion around “the Prescribing Cascade”.
Pharmaceutical Industry
Training of Medical Representatives is an area of major importance for Pharmaceutical Marketing companies as HCPs will judge your company on the competence of the Reps with whom they interact.
Large Pharma companies will often have off-the-shelf training materials created for global use. These materials will usually need to be re-purposed or interpreted for the Irish market. In addition, Reps need to be trained on local competitor products, local Regulatory Requirements and the workings of the Irish HealthCare sector. Smaller companies often do not have access to ready-made training resources.
IACME can meet all of these needs having great internal expertise in this area.
We have provided training for many of the large Pharma companies based in Ireland, including AZ, GSK, Roche as well as for Medi cal Representative recruiting companies.
Quality Systems & Good Distribution Practice (GDP)
IACME personnel have experience in both Manufacturing and Distribution of Medicines and in the Distribution of Medical Devices.
We have implemented many Quality Management Systems (QMS) and have successfully navigated FDA, HPRA, ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 audits. We combined this experience with input from current, passionate implementers of Quality Systems in Hospital and Community Pharmacy to create for the IIOP, a multi-module, combined F2F and online programme on Quality Management and Quality Improvement in the Supply of High Risk Medicines.
We have provided training for many of the large PWhether you ar a Pharma or Med Dev Distributor or a Hospital or Community Pharmacy, we can help you with setting up your QMS (including gap analysis, if required) and with audits but also with training specific to your company and maintained online as an induction/refresher resource.